Wednesday, September 16, 2015

2015-2016 Classes

3rd Grade -
1. Type to Learn (First 25 Minutes, until 2:35)
2. Viking Website (Last 20 Minutes)
3. Cereal Box Project

  • Cereal Survey

  • 4. Patricia Polacco Webquest
    5. Research an Endangered Animal
    6. Typing Practice
    7. Scratch

    6th Grade:
    6th Grade

    3-D Modeling- Sketchup 
    1. Download Fusion360 to your Computer, for FREE!  
    2. Download Sketchup to your own computer, for FREE
    3. Tutorials
      1. Part 1 (10:07)
      2. Part 2 (8:31)
      3. Part 3 (14:37)
      4. Part 4 (12:12)
    4. Need to watch Parts 1-4 by class on 10/8- (will be shortly quizzed)
    5. Designed house due by end of class 10/15.
      1. Must have all of the following:
        1. Slanted roof
        2. House addition (so it has more than one part, like a garage)
          1. Additions must be connected from inside house
        3. Slanted roof
        4. Outdoor steps
        5. Painted exterior
        6. Windows, and at least one window with panes
        7. 1 chair, and 3 other pieces of furniture inside that are imported
        8. 1 imported thing outside of the house
      2. Turn-in: File must be named as "6 house your_name" and turned in by putting into the shared folder- Groups>2016>1 Sketchup Houses

    4th Grade -
    1.  Watch this Video:

    2. Go to and follow video instrutions

    Robot Magic

    1) Go here:
    2) Click Register:
           Username: firstlas321
           password: w*******
           email:  (ms marzouk's email)
    3) Click "link"
    4) Then Follow Installation instructions to add Chrome extension and Robot Magic Driver
    5) Create a Drawing using the simulator that can fit on a piece of paper

    6th Grade -

    • put in a birthday with your actual birth year (otherwise you cannot join my class)
    • 6A-MCA9-2R0F
    • 6B- KPLM-XDAB
      • Username: firstlas321


    Design Studio Iterative Design Project 4/12/2016

    7th Grade:

    Makey Makey Project
    1) Complete Project
    2) Submit Project to
    3) Submit Project Files to Google Drive, Inside 7X Scratch Projects
           1) Presentation
           2) Video
           3) Scratch Files
    4) Fill out Feedback Form

    8th Grade: