Class Assignments 2012-2013
Kindergarten - Exploring Robotics
- Create a KidPix drawing for Halloween and Thanksgiving and type your name and what you are grateful for
- Learn about the Thymio Robot to learn of motors and sensors and how things work
- Create an animal from the robot and LEGO
- Learn about Simple Machines and build the simple machines from LEGO in teams
- Rubber band powered vehicles- Energy Conversion
- Shapes- copy the drawing as closely as you can to practice using the different drawing tools in KidPix
- Demonstration of turning 2-D shapes on the computer to 3-D shapes using Google Sketchup
- Using Powerpoint to draw shapes (layers)
Grade 1-
- Shapes- copy the drawing as closely as you can to practice using the different drawing tools in KidPix
- Create a drawing of the Solar System
- Do Research on website and take notes with paper and pencil
- Do a kidpix drawing of an interesting fact in the form of a sentence from your assigned subject and illustrate the topic. Your page will be part of a class book on The Solar System.
- Record students reading page in book to create Solar System Movie
- Power Point Slides
- Complete the Slides
- Measurements
- World Religions
- What I am Learning
- Draw a picture with Shapes
- Create slides from pictures in shared folder
- Create slides on research from these sites.
- Digestive System
- Respiratory System
Grade 2-
- Shapes
- Taj
- Taj Fun
- 2nd Grade Blendspace Page
- Research India with #1 and #2 and write notes with pen and pencil
- The number for #2 is: 290481482807##
- Create a powerpoint about China
- Presentation should look like this (Number 4 or 5), and should have pictures from internet research (Number 2 and 3)
- Create a powerpoint about your State Animal. Slides should include:
- Cover Slide - State, Animal, and your name
- Picture of State Animal
- Physical Characteristics
- Habitat
- Diet
- Reproduction
- Fun Facts
Grade 3-
- Cereal Box Project in Powerpoint
- Acrostic Poem in Word
- Type up "Follow to Learn" Page in Word
- Research an Endangered Animal
- 3rd Grade Blendspace
- Create a cover for the Endangered Animal Report
- Love Is... Poem
- Patricia Polacco Webquest
- Create a cover for the end of 3rd grade Yearbook
Grade 4-
- Drawing in PowerPoint
- PowerPoint Slides of Product
Description and Programming
- Programming the Robot
- Package your Robot Project
- Title slide + Group Members
- Robot Name + Descriptions
- In words, how it is
- Program (need pictures of
program in slides, and actual program file in group folder)
- Graphic Representation of
Project that was drawn on computer
- Picture of Robot
- Advertisement
- Video of Project
- This is .....(Name of project)
- by.............(Group member FIRST names)
- The purpose of our project is to....
- As you can see, it has....(Features of product)
- We programmed it so it will.... (How it is programmed)
- How it works + Demonstration
- Thanks for watching!
- Slide of Video Script
- Create a Logo for your project - and Incorporate it with your
- Using iMovie to edited Project Video
- Upload and share Project to community
Grade 5-
- Class Brainstorm for Robot product Ideas
- Google Doc Slides of Product Description and Programming
- Programming the Robot
- Create a Logo for your project
- Package your Robot Project
- Title slide + Group Members
- Robot Name + Descriptions
- In words, how it is programmed
- Program (need pictures of program in slides, and actual program file in group folder)
- Graphic Representation of Project that was drawn on computer (optional)
- Picture of Robot
- Advertisement
- Video of Project
- This is .....(Name of project)
- by.............(Group member FIRST names)
- The purpose of our project is to....
- As you can see, it has....(Features of product)
- We programmed it so it will.... (How it is programmed)
- How it works + Demonstration
- Thanks for watching!
- Slide of Video Script
- Created project Logo needs to be incorporated with your slides
- Using iMovie to edited Project Video
- Upload and share Project to community
Grade 6-
- California Propistion Radio Ad in Garageband
- 3-D Modeling
- Google Sketchup
- Tutorials
- Need to watch Parts 1-4 by class on 1/18- (will be shortly quizzed)
- Designed house due by end of class 1/18.
- Must have all of the following:
- Slanted roof
- House addition (so it has more than one part, like a garage)
- Additions must be connected from inside house
- Slanted roof
- Outdoor steps
- Painted exterior
- Windows, and at least one window with panes
- 1 chair, and 3 other pieces of furniture inside that are imported
- 1 imported thing outside of the house
- Turn-in: File must be named as "6 house your_name" and turned in by putting into the shared folder- Groups>2015>1 Sketchup Houses
- Hand draw given orthogonal objects on dot paper
- Objects: 13, 14, 6, 11
- Create those objects with correct dimensions in Sketchup
- Inspiration Game for Product Creation
- Group pick "Baby" "Carries" Inspiration: Firetruck
Grade 7+8th-
- Robot Programming - (Reference:
- Robot Challenge #1
- Do the first bullet, then add on the 2nd, then add on the 3rd.. etc.
- After students complete the entire challenge, show instructor.
- The robot shall become red when the center button is pressed and green when the front button is pressed.
- The robot shall turn purple when hands are clapped
- The robot shall move forward when front button is pressed
- The robot shall stop when center button is pressed
- The robot shall turn yellow and turn right when right button is pressed
- The robot shall turn blue and turn left when left button is pressed
- Make a sound and when the forward button is pressed
- The robot shall turn left when an obstacle is seen to the right, and turn right when an obstacle is seen to the left in order to avoid the obstacle
- Explore Advanced VPL
- Place sounds on the memory card and type code to create a Musical Instrument from the robot
- Create a 'cool' project
- Can bring in device as long as instructables app is on it, and may only use instructables app in class
- Post it to
- Login Information
- Username: woodlandtech
- Password: (see whiteboard)
- What you'll need + overview picture
- Pictures of how to make it
- Video of what it is and how it works
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