Friday, September 19, 2014

2014-2015 Classes


Grade 1-

  1. Shapes- copy the drawing as closely as you can to practice using the different drawing tools in KidPix
  4. Do Research on website and take notes with paper and pencil
  5. Do some self learning and exploration on
    1. Do a kidpix drawing of an interesting fact in the form of a sentence from your assigned subject and illustrate the topic.  Your page will  be part of a class book on The Solar System.
    2. Create a drawing of the Solar System
    3. Record students reading page in book to create Solar System Movie
    4. Power Point Slides
      1. Complete the Slides
        1. Measurements
        2. World Religions
        3. What I am Learning
        4. Draw a picture with Shapes
      2. Create slides from pictures in shared folder
        1. Create slides on research from these sites
          1. Digestive System
          2. Respiratory System

      Grade 2-

      1. Google Earth
        1. Intro
        2. Find the different locations and mark them on map
      2. Make your own map 9/29
      3. Telling Time
        1. Math- Telling time
        2. Stop the Clock
        3. Telling Time (Abcya)
      4. - Beginnings of learning to program, do the tutorials
        1. Username: firstla321
        2. Password: land
        3. Join Class 95082694
      5. Scratch, Open Ended Programming Started 11/14
        1. Tutorials:
      6. Taj
      7. Taj Fun
      8. Ppt Book
      9. 2nd Grade Blendspace Page (Jan 7-22)
        1. Research India with #1 and #2 and write notes with pen and pencil
          1. The number for #2 is: 290481482807##
      10. Create a powerpoint about China (Feb 14-April 3)
        1. Presentation should look like this (Number 4 or 5), and should have pictures from internet research (Number 2 and 3)
      11. Create a powerpoint about your State Animal.  Slides should include:
        1. Cover Slide - State, Animal, and your name
        2. Picture of State Animal
        3. Physical Characteristics
        4. Habitat
        5. Diet
        6. Reproduction
        7. Fun Facts
      3rd Grade
      • Logins
      • Acrostic Poem
      • Cereal Box Project in Powerpoint
      • Type up "Follow to Learn" Page in Word
      • Research an Endangered Animal Start 1/6
        1. 3rd Grade Blendspace
      • Create a cover for the Endangered Animal Report
      • Love Is... Poem
      • Patricia Polacco Webquest
      • Colonial Trade Projects
      • Create a cover for the end of 3rd grade Yearbook
      4th Grade Computers
      • Typing, Type to Learn

      Grade 4-

      • Robot Introduction
      • Class 1- Beginning Programming Lesson
      • Class 2- Open Experiment
      • Class 3- Create an interactive animal with programmed behaviors
      • Building off Thymio
      • Drawing in PowerPoint
      • PowerPoint Slides of Product Description and Programming
      • Programming the Robot
      • Package your Robot Project
        1. Title slide + Group Members
        2. Robot Name + Descriptions
        3. In words, how it is programmed
        4. Program (need pictures of program in slides, and actual program file in group folder)
        5. Graphic Representation of Project that was drawn on computer
        6. Picture of Robot
        7. Advertisement
        8. Video of Project
          1. This is .....(Name of project) 
          2. by.............(Group member FIRST names)
          3. The purpose of our project is to....
          4.  As you can see, it has....(Features of product)
          5. We programmed it so it will.... (How it is programmed)
          6. How it works + Demonstration
          7. Thanks for watching!
        9. Slide of Video Script
          1. Create a Logo for your project - and Incorporate it with your slides
        10. Using iMovie to edited Project Video
        11. Upload and share Project to community
        5th Grade Computers
        • Internet Safety and Google Apps
          • Digital Passport
        • Appropriate use of Google Apps
        • How to use Email on Gmail
        • Type to Learn 4
        • How to Set up your Calendar
          • Add other Calendars
          • Invite Guests
          • Create Repeating Events
        • How to use Google Docs
          • Share documents
          • Upload other files
          • Create Folders
            • Share Folders
        • How to Create Contacts and Groups
          • Create your class as a group
        • Ed1stop Video Tutorial:

        6th Grade

        3-D Modeling- Sketchup 
        1. 123D Design Tutorials
        2. Download Fusion360 to your Computer, for FREE!  
        3. Tutorials
          1. Part 1 (10:07)
          2. Part 2 (8:31)
          3. Part 3 (14:37)
          4. Part 4 (12:12)
        4. Need to watch Parts 1-4 by class on 10/8- (will be shortly quizzed)
        5. Designed house due by end of class 10/15.
          1. Must have all of the following:
            1. Slanted roof
            2. House addition (so it has more than one part, like a garage)
              1. Additions must be connected from inside house
            3. Slanted roof
            4. Outdoor steps
            5. Painted exterior
            6. Windows, and at least one window with panes
            7. 1 chair, and 3 other pieces of furniture inside that are imported
            8. 1 imported thing outside of the house
          2. Turn-in: File must be named as "6 house your_name" and turned in by putting into the shared folder- Groups>2016>1 Sketchup Houses
        6. Google Sketch Up to 3-D Printer
        7. Hand draw given orthogonal objects on dot paper
            1. Objects: 13, 14, 6, 11
          1. Create those objects with correct dimensions in Sketchup
        8. Inspiration Game for Product Creation
          1. Group pick "Baby" "Carries" Inspiration: Firetruck

          7th Grade

          8th Grade

          1. Watched the Video about the persistent Engineer with a disability
            1. How can you design your life better?
            2. Creativity+Great Attitude+Skill= Success
          2. Creating a Research Document
            • Using Google Docs with Table of Contents

            Bookmarking and Highlighting Sites on the Internet
            • Chrome Extensions: Diigo
            • Firefox: Wired-Marker

            Finding Appropriate Resources

            Using Search
            Determining Proper Sources
            Critically Evaluating Online Information
          3. Caption Action Piece Inspirations (11/11/2014)
          4. Register for, and go through the tutorials
          5. Finding your Passion - Capstone Project
            1. Capstone Brainstorm - Goals

          Extended Care

          Links to Websites

          Extra References